Hidden is a musical by David & Jenny Heitler-Klevans based on the true story of Ruth Kapp Hartz (a member of our Philadelphia Section), who as a young Jewish girl was hidden in Southern France during World War II. Forced to change her name to Renée Caper in order to blend in, Ruth and her family rely on the kindness of strangers in a small French village. From a secret apartment to a basement hideout to a Catholic orphanage in a convent, Renée must hide her true identity and learn to survive through a series of harrowing events. Dealing with themes of identity, allies, anti-Semitism, fascism, resilience and resistance, this musical will resonate with audiences today.

David & Jenny, along with Linda Glazerman Roeder (who played Ruth and the Mother Superior in the May production of “Hidden”) and pianist Roy Braverman, will perform a number of songs from the musical. They will also play a few video clips from the May production. After the presentation, Ruth, David, Jenny and Linda will answer questions

When you click the registration link below, you will be able to pay with your credit card and choose your lunch.

Sandwiches will include a broccoli salad and a cookie.

     Tuna Salad Sandwich on a Challah roll

     Turkey n’ Brie Sandwich on a Challah roll

     Chicken Salad Sandwich on a Challah roll

Mary Ellen Salad (Chopped romaine, tomato, honey goat cheese & sugar toasted almonds with grilled chicken plus a pasta salad side.) 


Questions: Call- Anita Shomer 215-880-9992 or Rosalie Marcus 215-512-5110

Donations for Dawns Place, Ben Franklin Elementary School
and No More Secrets are very much appreciated.